William Gray Baillie esq, MP MLA. (Stockbroker. First chairman of the Victorian Stock Exchange 1861-65, partner in Baillie and Butters [above] stockbroking firm – dissolved 1869. Member for Castlemaine in 1866 and 1868, resigned 1870 when insolvent. Murdered in 1871 in Fiji, where he had relocated to be a cotton planter, by his male partner Mr Henry Scott, who later suicided. Baillie also had a wife Elizabeth Jane and daughter Marian Grace who lived next door
The Netherby Relief Fund Committee members
- William M Bayles, Chairman, treasurer, The Right Worshipful the Mayor. (1820-1903. Merchant and ship owner. Mayor of Melbourne from 1865-1866).
- John Joseph Shillinglaw Esq, Hon Secretary. (1831-1905, public servant, author and historian. From 1856 to 1869 he held the position of Govt Shipping Master, administering laws relating to seamen).
- Councillor James Stewart Butters esq, treasurer. (1832 – 1912. Stockbroker. Principal partner with W G Baillie in the stock broking firm Baillie and Butters – dissolved 1869. Mayor of Melbourne in 1867-8 and entertained the visiting Duke of Edinburgh. Relocated to Fiji in 1870 to invest in plantations of sugar, coffee, Manilla hemp, cotton and became a member of Parliament there and also the Speaker before returning to Melbourne in 1874).
- William Gray Baillie esq, MP MLA. (Stockbroker. First chairman of the Victorian Stock Exchange 1861, partner in Baillie and Butters stockbroking firm – dissolved 1869. Member for Castlemaine in 1866 and 1868, resigned 1870 when insolvent. Murdered in 1871 in Fiji, where he had relocated to be a cotton planter, by his male partner Mr Henry Scott, who later suicided. Baillie also had a wife Elizabeth Jane and daughter Marian Grace who lived next door).
- Councillor A K Smith. (Alexander Kennedy Smith 1824-1881. Civil engineer. Mayor of Melbourne 1875-6. Member of the Lower House, died while holding a seat on the Melbourne City Council and Member for East Melbourne).
- John Everard Esq, JP. (1825-1886, tea broker at 69 Collins St West. 1858-74 MLA Member for district of Rodney North Gipps Land, chairman of the Separation Committee for Hotham Ward. 1859 appointed Magistrate for city of Melbourne. 1869 on the board of the Royal Commission on the practice of paying or compensating members of the legislature).
- J Aarons, Esq. (Of 6 Collins St East. Treasurer of the Freemasons’ Charitable Institution. A trade assignee, listed on many insolvent estates and in auction notices with SH Cohen & Co)
- Simeon Cohen, Esq, JP. (1832-1895. Merchant and Importer, president of the Melbourne Hebrew Congregation, philanthropist.)
- W B Stephens Esq. (Bookseller and stationer, 15 Collins St West. Went on to publish the Netherby Gazette. Also produced Stephens Maps of Melbourne. Member of the Order of the Australian Templar Knights. An etching of him exists in the Australian Templar directory but it is not yet scanned online)
- The Rev M H Becher. (Michael Henry Becher, Canon of St James Pro-Cathedral cnr Collins and William sts. Died 1883. Son Francis moved to WA town of Harvey in 1905, grew oranges, which Harvey is still famous for today).
- The Rev HHP Handfield. (Rector from 1854 until his death in 1900. Church of England, Anglican Church of St Peter’s. Third church built in the colony in 1846. Committee member and secretary of the Melbourne City Mission from 1854 to 1859).
- The Rev AF Ornstien. (Jewish Reverend Abraham Frederick at the Bourke St synagogue, retired October 1874, died 1895).
- James C Robertson, Esq. (Possible match for 1822-1893, listed in the blue book for the colony for governors etc. He is listed as professor theory and practice of medicine, MD Melbourne Hospital).
- The Hon Alexander Fraser. (1802-1888. 1856-7 Assistant Minister for Conservation and had Fraser National Park named after him in 1957, it is now Lake Eildon NP. Member of the Legislative Council for the North West Province from 1858 to 1881. Minister for Public Works 1872 to 1874. Died 1888 age 87).
- Charles E Bright, Esq. (Possible match Charles Edward Bright 1829-1915. In 1870-71 he was a trustee of the Public Library, Museums and National Gallery of Vic board).
- JT Harcourt Esq. (Likely James Thomas Harcourt 1813-1893 of Footscray. 1863 charirman of the Regatta Committee. 1866 trustee of the Victorian Deaf and Dumb Institution. In 1874 he was on Royal Commission panel into Industrial and reformatory schools and sanatory [sic] station. 1874 vice chairman Australian and European Bank. 1876-78 treasurer Melbourne Benevolent Asylum).
- John McKenzie Esq, JP. (1864 board member of the London and Lancashire Fire and Life Insurance Companies, Victorian Board. 1867 Director of the Commercial Bank of Australia Ltd).
- Patrick O’Brien Esq, JP. (1863 Chairman of the Hawthorn Bench of Magistrates and treasurer of the Irish Relief Fund. 1886 director of the Land Mortgage Bank of Victoria Ltd).
- James Turner Esq. (Possible match, died aged 48 15 May 1867 after an accident. Of Oakden, Alma Rd St Kilda, a merchant. Possibly Mayor of St Kilda Dec 1866 and at the time of his death.).
- DS Campbell Esq, JP. (1858 President of Melbourne Cricket Club. MLA in 1859-60. 1860s chair of the Horticultural Improvement Society. Of Richmond Hill, with a newsworthy garden).
- James Graham Esq. (1866: Vice chairman of Australasian Insurance Company, Fire, Life and Marine. Director of The Colonial Life Assurance Company. Of Messrs Graham Brothers and Co – importers, including of a ‘magnificent Yorkshire draught horse named Sultan’).
- AG Corbett Esq. (Andrew G Corbett. 1860s and 70s auction notices refer to him as a machinery merchant and owning a large machinery yard at 16 Franklin St, later Queen St – supplying steam engines, steam threshers, boilers, portable hand cranes, mining plants and agriculture implements to engineers, contractors and mining companies. Traded as A G Corbett and Son. Listed as a steward on the Melbourne Hospital Annual Ball committee each year along with many other names on this list. 1877 articles reference him building an ammonia manufactory near the gas works Reilly St).
- The Hon Mr Pettett. (William Henry Pettett Esq, JP. 1814-1871. 1864 Member of the Legislative Council, extensively connected with squatting and land selection in Ararat district. 1863 on the board of the Hawthorn Bench of Magistrates. 1863-4 Mayor of Hawthorn. Died 1871).
OTHER: Councillor’s MacMahon (Captain McMahon MLA. Possibly Sir Charles McMahon 1824-1891 – still confirming) and McPherson (of Sandhurst - now Port Melbourne) are also referred to in the minutes of the public meeting held 25 July. Others mentioned but not in the initial published list of committee members are Mr Lazarus, Mr Fitzgibbon and Mr Lesley Alexander Moody (Colonial immigration officer at the time. In 1875 he was Vic Inspector of Distilleries. Born 1818, Died 1883 aged 65. Of South Yarra).
Sir James McCulloch, Premier and Chief Secretary. (Woken by John Parry and made the orders for the rescue ships to start preparation).
Additional information on the Netherby Relief Fund Committee members and others involved in the provision of relief to the passengers.
I have created this page simply to hold all the research I found on the various prominent citizens of Melbourne who came to the aid of the shipwrecked passengers.
Click on any underlined name to go further down to photos, articles, bio pages etc. This page is very image heavy so scroll slowly and wait for images to open.
William M Bayles, Chairman, treasurer, The Right Worshipful the Mayor. (1820-1903. Merchant and ship owner. Mayor of Melbourne from 1865-1866).
John Joseph Shillinglaw Esq, Hon Secretary. (1831-1905, public servant, author and historian.
From 1856 to 1869 he held the position of Govt Shipping Master, administering laws relating to seamen).
Councillor James Stewart Butters esq, treasurer. (1832 – 1912. Stockbroker. Principal partner with W G Baillie in the stock broking firm Baillie and Butters – dissolved 1869. Mayor of Melbourne in 1867-8 and entertained the visiting Duke of Edinburgh. Relocated to Fiji in 1870 to invest in plantations of sugar, coffee, Manilla hemp, cotton and became a member of Parliament there and also the Speaker before returning to Melbourne in 1874).
Councillor A K Smith. (Alexander Kennedy Smith 1824-1881. Civil engineer. Mayor of Melbourne 1875-6. Member of the Lower House, died while holding a seat on the Melbourne City Council and Member for East Melbourne).
John Everard Esq, JP. (1825-1886, tea broker at 69 Collins St West. 1858-74 MLA Member for district of Rodney North Gipps Land, chairman of the Separation Committee for Hotham Ward. 1859 appointed Magistrate for city of Melbourne. 1869 on the board of the Royal Commission on the practice of paying or compensating members of the legislature).
Simeon Cohen, Esq, JP. (1832-1895. Merchant and Importer, president of the Melbourne Hebrew Congregation, philanthropist.)
The Rev HHP Handfield. (Rector from 1854 until his death in 1900. Church of England, Anglican Church of St Peter’s. Third church built in the colony in 1846. Committee member and secretary of the Melbourne City Mission from 1854 to 1859).
12 July 1895 Jewish Herald
The Hon Alexander Fraser. (1802-1888. 1856-7 Assistant Minister for Conservation and had Fraser National Park named after him in 1957, it is now Lake Eildon NP. Member of the Legislative Council for the North West Province from 1858 to 1881. Minister for Public Works 1872 to 1874. Died 1888 age 87).
More about Councillor A K Smith:
DS Campbell Esq, JP. (1858 President of Melbourne Cricket Club. MLA in 1859-60.
1860s chair of the Horticultural Improvement Society. Of Richmond Hill, with a newsworthy garden).
Sydney Morning Herald 21 August 1888
Sir James McCulloch, Premier and Chief Secretary. Woken by John Parry and made the orders for the rescue ships to start preparation.
Between 1856 and 1892 in Victoria, the head of government was commonly called the Premier or the Prime Minister, but neither title had any legal basis. Therefore, the head of government always held another portfolio, usually Chief Secretary or Treasurer, for which they were paid a salary. This is why all the Netherby news articles refer to McCulloch as Chief Secretary and not "Premier".

AG Corbett Esq. (Andrew G Corbett. 1860s and 70s auction notices refer to him as a machinery merchant and owning a large machinery yard at 16 Franklin St, later Queen St – supplying steam engines, steam threshers, boilers, portable hand cranes, mining plants and agriculture implements to engineers, contractors and mining companies. Traded as A G Corbett and Son in Franklin St Melbourne, and A G Corbett & Co in the Ballarat branch. Listed as a steward on the Melbourne Hospital Annual Ball committee each year along with many other names on this committee list. 1877 articles reference him building an ammonia manufactory near the gas works Reilly St).
Invoice from the Ballarat branch
Mr Lesley Alexander Moody (Colonial immigration officer at the time. In 1875 he was Vic Inspector of Distilleries. Born 1818, Died 1883 aged 65. Of South Yarra).
The Hon Mr Pettett. (William Henry Pettett Esq, JP. 1814-1871. 1864 Member of the Legislative Council, extensively connected with squatting and land selection in Ararat district. 1863 on the board of the Hawthorn Bench of Magistrates. 1863-4 Mayor of Hawthorn. Died 1871).