Passengers stories
by their descendants.
Tasmanian MP Matthew Groom with a family golfing trophy topped with a piece of the Netherby. Picture: SAM ROSEWARNE
A painting recounts the survivors of the Netherby shipwreck coming ashore. Picture: COURTESY OF STATE LIBRARY OF VICTORIA
Tasmanian MP Matthew Groom's great-great grandfather Benjamin Groom, left, his wife Lucy and their four children including son William Groom, right, were aboard the Netherby when it ran aground in 1866.
Descendant Raymond John Groom AO (born 3 September 1944) is an Australian lawyer and former sportsman and politician, representing the Liberal Party in the Federal Parliament 1975–84 and the Tasmanian Parliament 1986–2001. He was a Federal and state minister for a total of 13 years. He was Premier of Tasmania from 1992 to 1996 and also served as Deputy Premier and Attorney-General.
Ray is the father of Matthew - mentioned in the article on the left and the great grandson of passenger Benjamin Groom.
Ray authored a book about his family history and the shipwreck. To quote:
The book describes the wreck of the sailing ship Netherby off King Island, Tasmania, Australia on July 14, 1866. In the book I also discuss the history of the Groom family which originated in Staffordshire, England, also the Warner, Waters, Faulkner, Hogan, McInerney, Crisp, Seager and related families. I also discuss my experience in the legal profession in Melbourne and Tasmania and as a member of the Australian and Tasmanian Parliaments including my time as a Federal Minister and as Premier of Tasmania. I also discuss playing Australian Rules Football for the Cooee Football Club and the Demons (Melbourne Football Club). Also discussed are the times we spent living in Launceston, Melbourne, Burnie and Hobart, Tasmania. I have also included some of my poetry and paintings.