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Netherby nomenclature: Fact or Fiction
Locations around Australia feature the name Netherby. Is there a connection to the wreck or not.
I have titled each section Fiction where there is no link to the wreck, Fact if there is a proven link, and Unknown where we are still seeking evidence. Page in progress. Please contact me here or via the Facebook group if you have any stories or evidence about locations definitely named after the ship.

FICTION: Town of Netherby in Victoria.
Research by Karina - site admin, 2017.
While there are various wiki pages proclaiming the town of Warraquil changing its name to Netherby when shipwreck passengers moved there, there is no actual evidence to substantiate this.
The name change occurred in 1887, as proclaimed in the Victorian Government Gazette Vol LXXV 1 Jan to 30 June 1888 where it shows Warraquil Parish township as revoked and Netherby township as named. Most accounts seem to refer to the change to prevent confusion with the town of Warragul.
I have searched through birth, deaths and marriages indexes, cemetery records including websites with photos of every headstone, and electoral roll records for the period between 1866 and 1900. I have found no surnames matching any Netherby shipwreck survivors. Trove newspapers for that period show no Netherby passengers names linked with either town name
FICTION: Town of Netherby in South Australia.
FACT: Property in the Grimes family QLD
Origin of the word Netherby and why it is used in so many locations.
PROV: Crown Reserves Correspondence - proclamation of townships - Netherby. Series Number VPRS 242, Consignment Number P0000, Unit Number 152.
Land Selection and correspondence files - i12292 Township of Netherby Warraquil. Series Number VPRS 5357, Consignment number P0000, Unit number 2550.
(Karina's note Feb 2019 - not yet physically viewed, will do so on next archives visit).
FICTION: Vineyard and now cellar ruins named Netherby in Victoria.
Research by Karina - site admin, 2018.
Netherby Vineyard near Rutherglen was settled by John and Ann Graham (nee Norman) in 1859, where he planted a small vineyard, increasing to 550 acres. Cellars were able to hold 200,000 gallons of wine. He brought the first steam plough imported into Victoria in 1861 at the enormous cost of 1200 pounds. John Graham was the son of Sir James Graham, a cattleman from Netherby in the UK.
The Graham family disbursed their Rutherglen landholding in 1961. The property was sold in eight lots. Tod Graham stayed on at Cannobie with a small vineyard for some years before his death in 1979. The old Netherby home was demolished and the cellar contents dispersed.
While the vineyards are gone (after a decline in wine sales following WW2), the ruins of the cellars remain at the west end of Barkley Street. The remnants of the cellars are on private property but can be seen from the roadside. Photo from the Rutherglen Four Seasons Facebook page.
UNKNOWN: Netherby Park, McDowell Road, Rosebud, Victoria.
Research by Karina - site admin, 2019.
I came across a series of photos of this park in a Trove search.
No further research done yet on what the origin of the park name is.
Trove. Rose Stereograph Company 1920-1954.
UNKNOWN (but likely fact): Netherby township near Maryborough Queensland.
Research by Karina - site admin, 2019.
Courier Mail article from 1936 about town names - refers to the district being named by an early settler after a town on the Scottish border.
Given the sheer volume of the shipwreck passengers that ended up in Maryborough, it is highly likely the name has originated from the ship and wreck.
I have PDFd 3 screenshots from Google Maps. I cant actually tell if there is still a townsite there.
Awaiting further confirmations.
FACT: Netherby streets, cove, various properties and accommodation on King Island.
There are many references to the Netherby shipwreck all over King Island.
Photos: Karina, site admin, 2016.