Descendants websites:
Skermans - Genealogy website about the Skerman family who were passengers on Netherby.
PDF of the Skerman's shipwreck story and history - fantastic read.
Massingham - Greg Harpers genealogy site featuring George Massingham, my ancestor who was a passenger on the Netherby.
Massingham - a full digest of the Massingham family tree
Massingham - document from the Bellarine Historical society featuring George Massingham's history
Cannell - Stories from the Isle of Manx including a mention of James Cannell, who married Nettie Cubbin (the baby who was born on King Island after the shipwreck and before the rescue).
Grimes - Genealogy website mentioning Thomas Grimes, passenger on Netherby.
Lingard - Larry put together a lovely PDF on the story of his ancestors William and Emma Lingard.
Darlington - Story of Alfred William Darlington PDF made by his descendants.
Townsend - This blog contains a large entry about William Townsend
Austin - The story of Elizabeth and John Austin
Goldsworthy, John - excerpt from about a passenger search by potential descendants.
McFarlane, John - Excerpt from discussion forum about this passenger
Pinnuck - A blog filled with the history of the Pinnuck families
Wigley - This page has mention of the passenger Wigley
Wigley - Another page mentioning the Wigleys
Wigley - Excerpt from discussion forum about the Wigleys
Bartling - Excerpt from discussion forum about the Bartlings
Bartling - an email trail on Rootsweb mentions a David Weatherill stating his wife is descended from a passenger - no passenger name listed so I will see if I can follow up on this.
Williams - Excerpt from discussion forum about the various William's surnames on board
Davis - Excerpt from discussion forum about Thomas and Ann Davis - information doesn't look confirmed
Newbrook - Excerpt from discussion forum about the Newbrook family
Alldis - snippet on referring to the Alldis family
Other websites and links related to the shipwreck:
Burgewood Books - Don Charlwood was Australia's most prominent author on books about Australian shipwrecks. He has written a lovely book about The Netherby and it can be ordered via their website.
King Island Online - a great website covering all you need to know about King Island, including maps showing locations of the various shipwrecks.
Captain Norman - Website about Captain Norman, captain of The Victoria - the ship that performed the rescue of passengers.
Roadknights - A Roadknight on the Great Ocean Road provided assistance that lead to the eventual rescue.
Archibald Currie - Excerpt from discussion forum about Captain Currie who salvaged the wreck
Barbara Bailey - Barbara mentions in this Rotary newsletter being a descendant - I haven't yet narrowed down a passenger name
ABC Radio: ABC Northern Tasmania Drive program did a series of interviews in 2018 with Jim Benn, Skerman descendant, and Luke Agati from the King Island museum, about the Netherby and the Cararaqui wrecks.
Cyndislist - probably the best and largest collection of genealogy links in the world
SheppSTC - page featuring tonnes of links to help you with your genealogy project.
Netherby - record on the Australian National Shipwrecks Database Very useful site for folks researching in Victoria. The site owner offers a paid service for physical searches of records and photographing/scanning records for you. His Blog is full of useful tips and links and the website itself also has a downloads area where he shares data he has already scanned.
Find A Grave: Huge repository of burial records and grave photos from all over the world. - Good database for searching births, deaths, marriages and shipping records around the world.
Melbourne History Resources: The Melbourne directories are a comprehensive listing of city addresses and occupants organised alphabetically by streets across the central city. It is augmented by alphabetical, trade and professional listings, as well as information on leading financial, government, official, ecclesiastical, legal and municipal institutions, and other miscellaneous advertisements, maps and information. The directory includes town as well as suburban listings, with coverage including Melbourne proper and, from year to year, the expanding suburbs of the greater metropolitan region. This collection currently spans directories from 1857 to 1880.
If you would like a link related to The Netherby shipwreck added here - please leave the details in the guestbook.
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